Wednesday, January 8, 2014

The old man at Palmerah Shelter

Foto hanya ilustrasi, bukan sebenarnya karena tidak sempat ambil

Pria tua berkaos army berdiri terdiam.

Tidak sampai 5 detik kereta KRL berenti di stasiun Palmerah, penumpang langsung berhamburan. Pria tua berkaos army itu pun terpaksa berhenti mengerjakan pekerjaannya. Ia adalah seorang cleaning service di stasiun Palmerah. Kesal tapi tidak dapat berbuat apapun, pria itu menyingkir dari serbuan orang-orang. Aku memandangi dari dalam KRL. Wajah-wajah panik dan serius 98% menghinggapi orang-orang yang berhamburan itu. Tidak peduli ada apa disekitarnya. Yang penting secepat mungkin sampai ke palang pintu keluar dan buru-buru menuju kantor. Tidak paham kalau lantai yang mereka injak baru saja di pel.

Namun, 2% nya lagi berbeda. Ada seorang bapak yang mengulurkan tangannya pada pria tua itu, memberi sedikit 'tips'. Ternyata masih ada juga orang yang peduli, diantara 98% yang cuek. Dan baiknya lagi, bapak itu masih tergolong muda. Yang artinya, generasi muda masih ada yang peka dan peduli pada orang kecil.

Tuesday, December 24, 2013

Apa makna Natal bagimu?

Di sela hari yang ‘selow’ di kantor, aku melihat status bbm teman yang cukup mengusik di pagi ini. “Apa makna NATAL bagimu?” begitu tertulis pada status bbmnya.
Secara instan terlintas dipikiranku. Ya pasti kelahiran Tuhan Yesus.

Namun kemudian pikiranku belum berhenti. Tapi ada juga sih yang lain, bahkan lebih banyak lagi. Natal. Kalo mendengar dan membayangkan kata ini, inilah yang ada dipikiranku: Kedamaian, dekorasi natal, foto bareng santa, liburan, warna merah dan hijau, kue-kue enak, udara sejuk, lalu pergi ke gereja. Hmmm. Iya sih, kalau mau sok relijius, kita pasti bersikeras, kalau natal itu penting bagi umat kristiani. Penting. Tidak bisa diganggu gugat. Padahal kalau ditanya apa maknanya bagimu, belum tentu kita bisa merumuskannya dengan tulus.  

Bahkan sebetulnya kalau kita berpikir secara filsafat, apa ada yang namanya makna sesungguhnya? Tapi pada tulisan ini, kita tidak akan mendebat secara keilmuan. Aku hanya ingin menyelami kembali apa sih makna natal (minimal) bagiku?

Natal itu toh ada setiap tahun dan sudah pasti tanggalnya. Sebelumnya pun ada masa-masa persiapan yang sudah disusun secara liturgis untuk membantu kita mempersiapkan diri. Masa adven, pengakuan dosa, baru misa natal.

Namun, untuk natal kali ini, belum kurasakan sepenuhnya bahwa aku telah memaknai dengan sesungguhnya.
Idealnya, bagiku natal ingin kurasakan sebagai hari dimana aku telah berhasil melalui proses hidup selama setahun ini dengan baik. Kuingin ada perkembangan positif diriku dari natal sebelumnya. Dan puncaknya, saat masa adven tahun ini. Kuingin di masa adven aku sungguh merenungkan, segala yang kulakukan adalah bukan untuk tujuan duniawi, tetapi untuk Tuhanku. Dan natal juga menjadi ancang-ancangku untuk membuat resolusi tahun baru.
Namun kenyataannya, aku masih menemukan ‘pribadi lama’ yang melekat. Sedikit kecewa, walau setidaknya aku telah menyadarinya. Kata orang, perbuatan buruk yang kita sadari sudah lebih baik daripada tidak disadari.

Sebagai contoh saat hari pengakuan dosa kemarin, aku bahkan tidak mengaku dosa dengan tulus karena aku sedang tidak dapat mengendalikan diriku dari emosi. Padahal aku sedang mengaku dosa, tapi hatiku kesal. Sungguh tidak afdol.

Ya, didalam kehidupan ini kita terus mencari apa yang benar, bagaimana menjadi orang yang lebih baik, bagaimana meminimalisir dosa-dosa kita. Bagaimana memaknai dengan sungguh-sungguh. Tapi pernahkah engkau berpikir, dengan terus memikirkan cara yang tepat, yang benar, dll, kita malah tidak fokus menjalankan segala yang ada? Sebagai manusia, tentu masih sulit mengendalikan emosi. Namun, dengan kita menjalankan kehidupan dengan penuh rasa syukur, tentu secara otomatis akan membantu kita memaknai kehidupan itu. Begitu juga dengan natal. Dengan kita penuh rasa syukur menyambut natal, maka makna itu akan muncul dan menerangi kita.

Buang semua kekhawatiran dan pertanyaan-pertanyaan yang tidak perlu. Hiduplah dengan penuh rasa syukur!

Merry Christmas!


Life after Graduation


#1: Countinuing Internship
Since 12 July 2013 I am officially join as intern in PT Smart Tbk (Sinar Mas Group) particularly in HR division, Talent management. At first, I join this internship for the sack of YLI second phase activity which was Breakthrough Leadership Project (BLP). But, not until it finished, I was offered to extend my internship in Sinarmas to be a contract based staff (PKWT). I chose to had 3 months contracts. I join as contract staff from September until 1st December 2013.
In that time, I was wondering to looking for another job. Because I think what I have done right now is not my passion. I dont have any favor in HR career.
I try to doing my job very good as always and learn every simple thing from my boss and collegue. In this phase, I run my life very calm because I know I will find my passion in another places and this time is the warming-up session for me, some benefit to have a good intership in a good place.

#2: 3 months contracts.
To become a contract staff surprisingly lights up my spirit. I have new responsibilities in this place. I have to do some extra efforts and retain my performance. But still, because of the contracts only 3 months, I obliged to search another jobs. I was tried to register some programs, but not as much as my pre-graduation actions. I already passed to have the second step to be an CA intern in McKinsey, but I am not luck to be there. I also registered myself to German embassy and Danone MT Star but I cannot expect more. I still give my best performance in this and those, although not everything runs smoothly. In my unstable routine, I got some offer again, now is to be a permanent staff at PT Smart Tbk.

#3: Permanent job.
As well as contract based staff, I do my responsibilities, now with another colleague, my manager, the jobs have change a little bit. Two supervisors instead of one supervisor like before. I swear to be consistent at my work after give my best in those job test. Permanent is not bad. I learn a lots, give more, and must acts persistently. Never expect to have this goldy chance, but only can feel blessed.
Lately, I hear about my friends stories, some of them are really tough some of them nicer. Different people, different ways too. So here I am with new endeavors.

In every endeavors that we strive for, that would be an end. One thing that you must do is believe everything is come for good. J

Good luck all! 

Sunday, December 15, 2013

The Gathering!

After 4 months over, no intensive contacts, no catch up, here we are....

Ardjuna Hotel, 30th November 2013


SANDAL KAMAR "Little Silberfee" kini muncul dengan desain terbaru.
@ Rp 20.000,- Untuk pemesanan, hubungi 08998464337 atau email 

Pesan Sekarang!

Bisa pesan grosir untuk keperluan : souvenir, bingkisan ultah, pemberkatan rumah baru, dll 

Monday, August 19, 2013

Working with team (Tips for you)

This will work for who engaged in a multi-diverse team background and don’t have enough time to get know them.

1.       As a leader of the team you may make an agreement. The rule of the team. Make everyone of the team member are in to the discussion. Make it in a relax condition such as making a circle on the floor, or go outside, etc. (Even if you did not get to know the member, you should make an agreement). Example of the agreement is near about communication style of the team. Team must choose the communication media for spread the information (by FB group, phone, google drive, etc). If it come to the technology option, make sure every member is agree about that. Test them by asking and describing.
2.       After you got the rules, write in and let all the team members have the copy.
3.       If you are the leader, you should do extra efforts. Some of people are just lazy, or ignorance, or low-performance, or lack of initiatives. You should realize that and don’t let those things makes you down. Above that, you should get closer to the members and know their capacity. You must be the one who really know well about them. So you can delegate the task sharply. And remember, as a leader you should trust your member. Don’t let them think that you under estimate them.
4.       Communication is the most challenging one. You need to explain really clear about the task. Ask them again about their understanding. You must able to spend much time and money to make sure the information is clearly delivered. And don’t ever answer their questions with uncontrolled emotions. If you are in high temp, just stop and freeze. Better you late reply than you reply with unpolite words. Use the direct communication (phone or meet) as priority.
5.       Delivered the task clearly and sharp. Most of the team members don’t want to know the whole process or how tired you are. They only need the precise command from you. Ya, you need to tell how it will be end (the task) for let them stay with you in the same line of thoughts. Just that. The rest, you should give the sharp command. As a leader, you yet must spend more time to check their jobs and compile it.
6.       Just try the five points above first. Make some evaluations and recognize the pattern of your own team. Let them know that you are reliable to be their leader. Reduce the anger and keep walking with full of confidence. And stay humble of course.
7.       After you practice those 5 points, you will got some lessons. Noted that, set the appointment of consultation with your mentor. Keep moving for the next leadership experiences. Just like sailing on December!

Take care!  

(Based on real experiences. 7-8 minutes reading duration)